Spence Attorneys, Notaries & Conveyancers, Pinelands, is very proud to announce that we have a new addition to our team. Welcome Wendy Mvinjelwa!
Wendy is an admitted attorney and conveyancer. She holds a Bachelor of Social Sciences degree (UCT) as well as a Bachelor of Laws degree (UCT). She served her articles of clerkship at one of the biggest property law firms in Cape Town, and we are very pleased that she has joined our team. Wendy has experience in conveyancing matters, leases, bonds as well as family law. She also intends to write the notarial exam later this year.
Wendy is friendly person who is well-liked by many. She is an avid athlete and is a brand ambassador for a well-known brand. She believes in professional service and working with clients to achieve the best outcome.
You can get in touch with Wendy at wendy@spencelaw.co.za.
It's great to have you on our team Wendy!